*Each day with a Smile* *Crazy Sexy Kitchen* *No session 10/20 – 10/24*

*Each day with a Smile* *Crazy Sexy Kitchen* *No session 10/20-10/24*


Dear Friends,

What a warm and lovely Indian Summer weekend. When I came across the giraffe graphic, I thought how perfectly it described so many of the good people in my life. My first and favorite mentor in all areas is my mom. As I have shared in earlier posts, my mom had open heart surgery. It’s been six weeks and she’s been a constant source of positive energy and humor. She came to live with us a month ago, so that my sister and I could cheer her on as she healed. Her heart has healed beautifully, and she’s been a joy to have around. Last week we discovered we have a new challenge, just another little blip as far as my little mom is concerned, all four feet nine inches of her. She has a benign brain tumor. It’s a large meningioma with intracranial swelling and pressure, so it is necessary she has it removed as soon as possible. I hate to see her go through another surgery. She’s leading the charge in counting all our blessings and I’m so grateful I can be available to take care of her. Her surgery, with a wonderful Neurologist in our Los Gatos community, Dr. Kenneth Blumenfeld will be on October 14th. He expects a full recovery!!

Please note, there will be no LG Boot Camp or personal training session the Week of October 20th through October 24th.

This week, my close friend and neighbor Kathleen gave me an awesome cookbook, Crazy Sexy Kitchen by NY Times best selling author Kris Carr. I enjoy cookbooks, but don’t read them as much as I used to. I get many of my recipes from friends or Pinterest. This one is an exception, I read through the entire book last night. It’s a wonderful read on how our food is medicine and prevention. It’s filled with inspiration, education, and cooking tips on 150 plant-empowered recipes. My recipe this week is from her book.

What’s for Dinner:

Greens and Berries

Balsamic and berries are like Fred and Ginger — they dance beautifully together, especially if you’re using a quality aged balsamic. By adding walnuts to your salad, you’ll benefit from their omega-3s, which have been shown to improve cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

3 cups baby spinach

1/2 cup strawberries, quartered

1/4 cup walnuts

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1 1/2 tablespoons flax oil

Sea salt, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl, toss gently and serve.

2. Before serving, garnish with walnuts and strawberries.

Tips: Watermelon swamp. During watermelon season, replace the strawberries with cubed watermelon and toss in a small handful of mint leaves for the ultimate lazy summer picnic salad.

Fitnographic 3

Thank you again for all your love, prayers and support!!

Much much love,


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